The grass is poking through!
So it has been another few weeks since my last post - I'm hoping that once the racing season takes off I will have more to update you all on. Right now, it is just the same ol' same ol'.
Classes are going pretty well, though I still am struggling to plan my eating correctly so that I am not starving by the time I get to go run, or not still burping up my last meal. I thought that by this point in the semester I would have worked out all of the kinks, but I have not been so lucky. I had to cut my run short last night due to stomach issues - blerg. I am not too worried though, as my mileage seems to be slightly increasing each week and aside from the tummy turmoil, I am feeling pretty good.
This past weekend was pretty big for me in two aspects:
First, and most importantly, I got to see the newest addition to the Marchant clan - my nephew Madden Alexander Diaz. My sister Randi is doing great, and her daughter is adjusting to having the new baby around. Needless to say, we are all excited about the first nephew!
The second big event(s) for the weekend were my two long runs. On Saturday I did a 10mi steady state with a 1.5mi warm up and cool down. I completed the 10mi steady in just under 63 min (a little slower than what I was hoping for, but considering the footing was pretty terrible for a lot of the run I was satisfied). My legs were pretty cooked on the cool down run back to my Mudder's house and I was worried that I would be toast for my long run the next day. I was pretty surprised by how well my legs bounced back and I had a pretty successful 13 mi long run Sunday evening!
Dave has decided that with the warmer weather and my current fitness level, I can now start to lengthen my long runs each week - those of you who know my injury background don't need to be worried - each week I am only going to be adding a mile to my long runs and keep everything else the same (including my easy Fridays - 3-5mi or rest!).
As excited as I was to have two really good runs this weekend, I decided to bump around my hard workouts this week and give my legs minute to recover - which based on last night, it is my stomach that needs the extra attention right now.
If the tummy decides to be friendly this afternoon, I am going to do mile repeats ... OUTSIDE!!